
Sehakhala is a village and a gram panchayat in Chanditala I community development block in Srirampore subdivision of Hooghly district in the state of West Bengal, India. It is under Chanditala police station.


Sehakhala is located at.

Gram panchayat

Villages in Shiakhala gram panchayat are: Chak Tajpur, Madhupur, Paschim Tajpur, Patul, Raghunathpur, Sandhipur and Sehakhala.


As per 2011 Census of India Sehakhala had a total population of 6,434 of which 3,253 were males and 3,181 were females. Population below 6 years was 542. The total number of literates in Sehakhela was 4,955.



The nearest Railway station, Baruipara railway station, is on the Howrah-Bardhaman chord line, which is a part of the Kolkata Suburban Railway system.


and 31 Number Road crossing point is located in the village. 31 Number Road is the main artery of the town and it is also connected with National Highway 19, State Highway 13 and State Highway 6/ G.T. Road.


Private Bus