Selfless service

Selfless service or Seva in Sikhism, its ordained philosophy, in Sikh scripture, the theology, and :Category:Sikh scripture|hermeneutics is a service which is performed without any expectation of result or award for performing it. Such services can be performed to benefit other human beings or society. Seva means Service and Selfless Efforts for Welfare of All. A more recent interpretation of the word is "dedication to others".
In Shia Ismailism, a branch of Islam, service is described as doing volunteer work for others out of your heart. Ismailis have a system of Time and Knowledge Nazrana, where they donate their time and their knowledge to wherever it may be needed. Nazrana means special gift and it derives from the Persian word Nazr which means offering or gift.

Religious significance

The idea of selfless service is an important concept in a number of religions because God is perceived as having an interest in the well-being of others as well as oneself; serving other people is considered an essential devotional practice of indirectly serving God and living a religious life that is a benefit to others.


The term is used in military awards such as, Ati Vishisht Seva Medal, Param Vishisht Seva Medal, and institutions like Seva Foundation, Gandhi Seva Sadan, Seva Development and Seva Bharati.