Semyon Kamenev

Semyon Alekseevich Kamenev was an educator, professor, writer, Soviet propagandist of atheism and a scientific worker in the study of problems of religion and atheism.
Semyon Kamenev was born in the village of Semenovka, Kursk uyezd, Kursk Governorate. He received a higher education. He worked as a research fellow at the Central Research Institute of Elementary School, professor. He was a member of the editorial board of «Ateist». Kamenev was a member of the RCP. He lived in Moscow at 2 Gagarinsky Lane, apartment 2. On 17 December 1937 he was arrested and accused by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Soviet Union of participating in an anti-Soviet organization. On 14 March 1938 Kamenev was shot at the Kommunarka shooting ground, Moscow Oblast. On 12 May 1956, the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Soviet Union rehabilitated him.


In Russian
In Southern Altai