Sente (software)

Sente was a reference manager for macOS and iPad. Support and updates for Sente 6 have been discontinued by Cinkosky and Third Street Software since 2016. The support website was deactivated in September 2017. Sente was free for users with 100 references per library or less. Sente could search and retrieve references from sources like PubMed, Thomson/ISI's Web of Knowledge and any site supporting the Z39.50 or SRU search protocols. Sente was also used to collect and manage related material, such as PDF files. Sente could format bibliographies in many common formats, including APA, Chicago, MLA and others. Sente integrated with a number of word processors, including Microsoft Word, Pages, Mellel, Nisus Writer, and others. Sente for iPad, a free app for the iPad, provided access to Sente libraries on the iPad, and supported adding and editing references, reading and annotating PDFs. Sente libraries could be automatically synchronized across any number of Macs and iPads.