Serenity Chasma

Serenity Chasma is the unofficial name given to a large pull-apart fault on Pluto's moon, Charon. It is part of a series of faults that run along the perimeter of Vulcan Planum. It was discovered by the New Horizons mission, and informally named after the fictitious spaceship, Serenity.


Serenity Chasma is long, and about deep, and its typical width is. The northern wall continues for an additional as a scarp after exiting the chasma. The chasma is part of a global techtonic belt; a series of canyons, scarps, and troughs that traverse the face of Charon. This series of faults is the longest known in the solar system.
Serenity Chasma formed as the result of a subsurface ocean on Charon, which expanded as it froze. This expansion pushed the Oz Terra region higher and produced the fault belt across Charon's equatorial region.
Landslides have been observed within Serenity Chasma. This is the only known occurrence of landslides in the Kuiper Belt.