Serial femtosecond crystallography

Serial femtosecond crystallography is a form of X-ray crystallography developed for use at X-ray free-electron lasers. Single pulses at free-electron lasers are bright enough to generate resolvable Bragg diffraction from sub-micron crystals. However, these pulses also destroy the crystals, meaning that a full data set involves collecting diffraction from many crystals. This method of data collection is referred to as serial, referencing a row of crystals streaming across the X-ray beam, one at a time.


While the idea of serial crystallography had been proposed earlier, it was first demonstrated with XFELs by Chapman et al. at the Linac Coherent Light Source in 2011. This method has since been extended to solve unknown structures, perform time-resolved experiments, and later even brought back to synchrotron X-ray sources.


In comparison to conventional crystallography, where a single crystal is rotated in order to collect a 3D data set, some additional methods have to be developed to measure in the serial mode. First, a method is required to efficiently stream crystals across the beam focus. The other major difference is in the data analysis pipeline. Here, each crystal is in a random, unknown orientation which must be computationally determined before the diffraction patterns from all the crystals can be merged into a set of 3D hkℓ intensities.

Sample Delivery

The first sample delivery system used for this technique was the Gas Dynamic Virtual Nozzle which generates a liquid jet in vacuum containing crystals. Since then, many other methods have been successfully demonstrated at both XFELs and synchrotron sources. A summary of these methods along with their key relative features is given below:
In order to recover a 3D structure from the individual diffraction patterns, they must be oriented, scaled and merged to generate a list of hkℓ intensities. These intensities can then be passed to standard crystallographic phasing and refinement programs. The first experiments only oriented the patterns and obtained accurate intensity values by averaging over a large number of crystals. Later versions correct for variations in individual pattern properties such as overall intensity variations and B-factor variations as well as refining the orientations to fix the "partialities" of the individual Bragg reflections.