Series ALFA Steel (Revolvers)

The Series ALFA Steel is a series of Czech-made revolvers designed for sport shooting and personal defense needs, and for users who favor the.32 S&W and.38 special cartridges. The ALFA Series Steel is part of the three revolver series made by ALFA: Series ALFA, Series ALFA Steel, and Series HOLEK. All the Series ALFA Steel revolvers have blued finishes, and the only four models not to have a chrome finish are the four Sport models.


The Series ALFA Steel revolver models can be broken down into five groups :
.22 WMR Models,.22 LR Models,.32 S&W Models,.38 Special models and new 9mm luger Models. Each caliber has varied cylinder capacities.

.22 WMR

.22 LR

.32 S&W

.38 Special

9mm luger