Servas International

Servas International is a not for profit organisation for arranging homestays and hospitality. The organisation may now be described as a platform, part of a gift economy. Members can be both hosts and travellers, and hosts do not charge for lodging.
People wishing to join SERVAS can access the website, and complete an application form and supply letters of recommendation, and be interviewed to ensure that they understand the purpose and protocol of being a Servas member, whether as a traveller or host. Members pay an annual fee to the organization, which is determined locally by country. There is an international executive and each country has an elected board or committee to manage membership, determine membership fees, organise social events, support various peace-related activities..
Servas is owned by an accredited Non-governmental organization and has been affiliated with the United Nations since 1973.
Servas was founded in 1949, in the aftermath of World War II, by Bob Luitweiler and other Danish students as an international network for people to meet and where suitable, to be offered a short stay, as part of the peace movement.