Settle for More

Settle for More is a 2016 autobiography written by American journalist and political commentator Megyn Kelly. The book discusses the unwanted sexual advances she received from Roger Ailes while working at Fox News, as well as her feud with then Presidential nominee Donald Trump.


Entertainment Weekly Tina Jordan noted the book's engrossing discussion of the author's dealings with Roger Ailes and Donald Trump, but said the book offered more than just these intriguing events: "The story of her years as an attorney and her subsequent rise in TV journalism is surprisingly moving, transforming Settle for More into a Lean In-ish primer for young women about the importance of hard work, self-esteem, and—most of all—perseverance." Lorraine Ali wrote in the Los Angeles Times, "In prose that is simple, clean and straightforward, Kelly comes across in the book as casual and warm one minute, formal and stiff the next. It’s a duality that reflects her on-screen personality."
The day after the book's release, the Los Angeles Times reported that Donald Trump supporters were leaving one-star reviews to hurt sales of the book. HarperCollins noticed the high number of negative reviews, despite having only made a few advance copies available. The detractors were reportedly mobilized through a pro-Trump Reddit forum called "/r/The Donald." Amazon removed many but not all of the fake reviews, while reviews from verified purchasers were higher than those of unverified ones.