Sevenfold sun miracle

The Sevenfold Sun Miracle was an atmospheric phenomenon witnessed in Danzig in 1661. It was a complex halo phenomenon, and was described by Georg Fehlau, the pastor of the St Marien church, in a sermon two weeks later, which was then published under the title Siebenfältiges Sonnenwunder oder sieben Nebensonnen, so in diesem 1661 Jahr den 20. Februar neuen Stils am Sonntage Sexagesima um 11 Uhr bis nach 12 am Himmel bei uns sind gesehen worden The same event was also described by the astronomer Johan Hevelius the following year in his book Mercurius in Sole visus Gedani.

The event

On 20 February 1661 a complex halo phenomenon was observed by more than 1000 people, including Fehlau and Hevelius, both astronomers, in the city of Danzig on the Baltic.
As well as the true sun, two mock suns and an anthelion were seen, with halos at 22° and 46°, and topped with an upper tangent arc and a circumzenithal arc, respectively. Of particular interest to modern scientists were the mention of three further mock suns, one at the intersection of the 22° halo and the upper tangent arc, and two others at 90* to the sun, also at the intersections of an immense but incomplete halo.
The first is thought to be a particular bright Parry arc, mistakenly described as a parhelion. The other two and the associated halo, which has been labelled "Hevel's halo", have no theoretical explanation, and have not been recorded since. In the absence of conclusive evidence these observations are regarded as possibly being a misidentification of the rare but not unusual 120° parhelia.

The accounts

On 6 March, two weeks after the event, Fehlau preached at St Mary's church; taking the event, and the widespread interest it created, as his inspiration. His sermon was later published, and contains a full account of the phenomenon.
The following year Hevelius published his book Mercurius in Sole visus Gedani, principally on the observation of a transit of Mercury, but containing other astronomical information, including an account of the 1661 halos.
As the two accounts are virtually identical, and as Fehlau is known to have visited Hevelius on 3 March at his observatory to look at a comet, modern astronomers believe Fehlau and Hevelius collaborated on the text, though they generally give Hevelius the credit for the account.

Fehlau's account

The translation of Fehlau's account reads :