Sex bolt

A sex bolt,, is a type of fastener that has a barrel-shaped flange and protruding boss that is internally threaded. The boss sits within the components being fastened, the flange provides the bearing surface. The sex bolt and accompanying machine screw sit flush on either side of the surfaces being fastened. It is normally chosen because of its low profile compared to other nuts. The sex bolt often has a built-in feature, such as a slot, to aid in tightening the fastener. Some sex bolts, more commonly known as "architectural bolts", have knurled barrels to allow one-sided assembly. "Binding posts" are similar to architectural bolts in that they are designed to be assembled from one side, but they have teeth on the flanged surface to keep them fixed.
A sex bolt is a mating fastener combining a fastener with a fastener. The sex bolt consists of a female threaded barrel and a male threaded screw. Both the barrel and screw have heads designed to clamp material between the head of the barrel and the head of the screw, or to bridge the gap between two parts.
Mating fasteners are known by many different names:
Applications vary widely from book binding to installing bathroom partitions. This group of fasteners are used to assemble fitness apparatus, solar panels, playground equipment, railing systems, furniture, athletic helmets, knives, store fixtures, signs, panic bars, and many other products.
Technical guide to mating fasteners: