Shadow Cabinet of Phil Goff
New Zealand political leader Phil Goff assembled a "shadow cabinet" after his election to the positions of Leader of the Labour Party and Leader of the Opposition in 2008 unopposed.
The shadow cabinet was mostly made up of New Zealand members of Parliament of the Labour Party; however, Progressive Party leader and sole MP Jim Anderton, who had been in coalition with Labour in the previous Government remained "in coalition" with Labour in Opposition, as the Opposition Agriculture spokesperson.
Frontbench team
By the 2011 general election, the Opposition spokespersons were as follows:Shadow Minister | Portfolio | |
Hon Phil Goff | Leader of the Opposition Shadow Minister in Charge of the NZ Security Intelligence Service | |
Hon Annette King | Deputy Leader Shadow Minister for Social Policy | |
Hon David Cunliffe | Shadow Minister of Finance | |
Hon David Parker | Shadow Minister of Economic Development Shadow Minister of Energy Shadow Attorney General Shadow Associate Minister of Finance | |
Hon Ruth Dyson | Shadow Minister of Conservation Shadow Minister of State Services Shadow Minister of Immigration | |
Hon Clayton Cosgrove | Shadow Minister of Law & Order Shadow Minister for State Owned Enterprises Shadow Associate Minister of Finance Shadow Minister for Earthquake Recovery | |
Hon Maryan Street | Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs Shadow Minister of Trade Shadow Minister for Overseas Development Assistance | |
Hon Trevor Mallard | Shadow Leader of the House Shadow Minister for the Rugby World Cup Shadow Minister for the America's Cup Shadow Minister for Sport and Recreation Shadow Associate Minister of Finance | |
Hon Parekura Horomia | Shadow Minister of Māori Affairs Shadow Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations | |
Charles Chauvel | Shadow Minister of Justice Shadow Minister for the Environment | |
Grant Robertson | Shadow Minister of Health Associate Shadow Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage | |
Hon Shane Jones | Shadow Minister of Transport Shadow Minister of Infrastructure Shadow Minister of Fisheries Associate Shadow Minister of Māori Affairs | |
Sue Moroney | Shadow Minister of Education | |
Hon Lianne Dalziel | Shadow Minister of Commerce Shadow Minister for Small Business Shadow Minister for Regulatory Reform Shadow Minister for Electoral Reform | |
William Sio | Shadow Minister for Pacific Island Affairs Shadow Minister for Interfaith Dialogue Shadow Minister of Customs | |
Phil Twyford | Shadow Minister of Local Government Shadow Minister for Building and Construction Shadow Minister for Auckland Issues | |
Jacinda Ardern | Shadow Minister of Employment Shadow Minister for Youth Affairs Associate Shadow Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage | |
Hon Nanaia Mahuta | Shadow Minister for Māori Social Development Shadow Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector | |
Hon Rick Barker | Chief Whip Shadow Minister for Veterans' Affairs Shadow Minister for Courts | |
Hon Damien O'Connor | Shadow Minister of Agriculture Shadow Minister for Rural Affairs Shadow Minister for Biosecurity | |
Hon Steve Chadwick | Junior Whip Shadow Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage Shadow Minister for Senior Citizens Associate Shadow Minister of Health | |
Darien Fenton | Shadow Minister of Labour Shadow Minister for Transport Safety | |
David Shearer | Shadow Minister for Research, Science and Technology Shadow Minister for Tertiary Education | |
Stuart Nash | Shadow Minister of Revenue Shadow Minister of Forestry Associate Shadow Minister of Trade | |
Chris Hipkins | Shadow Minister for ACC Shadow Minister of Internal Affairs | |
Kelvin Davis | Shadow Minister of Tourism Associate Shadow Minister of Education Associate Shadow Minister of Māori Affairs | |
Ross Robertson | Assistant Speaker Shadow Minister for Disarmament and Arms Control Shadow Minister for Racing | |
Carol Beaumont | Shadow Minister for Women's Affairs Shadow Minister for Consumer Affairs Associate Shadow Minister of Education | |
Clare Curran | Shadow Minister for Communications Shadow Minister for Broadcasting | |
Ashraf Choudhary | Shadow Minister for Food Safety Associate Shadow Minister for Ethnic Affairs Associate Shadow Minister for Research, Science and Technology | |
Raymond Huo | Shadow Minister for Chinese Community Affairs Shadow Minister of Statistics Shadow Minister for the Law Commission | |
Iain Lees-Galloway | Shadow Minister for Land Information Shadow Minister of Defence Associate Shadow Minister of Health Associate Shadow Minister of Transport | |
Rajen Prasad | Shadow Minister for Ethnic Affairs Associate Shadow Minister for Social Development | |
Mita Ririnui | Associate Shadow Minister for Treaty Issues Associate Shadow Minister of Health | |
Carmel Sepuloni | Shadow Minister for Disability Issues Shadow Minister for Victims' Rights Associate Shadow Minister for Social Development | |
Kris Faafoi | Shadow Minister of Civil Defence Associate Shadow Minister for Pacific Island Affairs | |
Hon. Pete Hodgson | ||
Hon. George Hawkins | ||
Lynne Pillay |
At the time of announcement, the Opposition spokespersons were as follows:Shadow Minister | Portfolio | |
Hon Phil Goff | Leader of the Opposition Shadow Minister in Charge of the NZ Security Intelligence Service | |
Hon Annette King | Deputy Leader | |
Rt Hon Helen Clark | Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs Shadow Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage | |
Hon Michael Cullen | Shadow Leader of the House Shadow Minister in Charge of Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations | |
Hon David Cunliffe | Shadow Minister of Finance | |
Hon Ruth Dyson | Shadow Minister of Health | |
Hon Parekura Horomia | Shadow Minister of Maori Affairs Shadow Minister of Fisheries | |
Hon Clayton Cosgrove | Shadow Minister of Police Shadow Minister of Corrections Shadow Minister for State-Owned Enterprises Associate Shadow Minister of Finance | |
Hon Chris Carter | Shadow Minister of Education Shadow Minister of Ethnic Affairs | |
Hon Nanaia Mahuta | Shadow Minister for the Environment Shadow Minister of Tourism Associate Shadow Minister of Maori Affairs | |
Hon Maryan Street | Shadow Minister of Trade Shadow Minister for Tertiary Education | |
Hon Darren Hughes | Senior Whip Shadow Minister of Transport | |
Hon David Parker | Shadow Attorney-General Shadow Minister for Electoral Reform Shadow Minister of ACC Associate Shadow Minister of Finance | |
Hon Shane Jones | Shadow Minister of Local Government Shadow Minister of Building and Construction Shadow Minister for Infrastructure | |
Hon Trevor Mallard | Shadow Minister of Labour Shadow Minister for Economic Development and Employment Shadow Minister for Sport and Recreation | |
Hon Lianne Dalziel | Shadow Minister of Justice Shadow Minister of Commerce | |
Charles Chauvel | Shadow Minister Responsible for Climate Change Issues Shadow Minister of Energy Associate Shadow Minister of Commerce | |
Hon Pete Hodgson | Shadow Minister of Immigration Shadow Minister of Defence | |
Hon Luamanuvao Winnie Laban | Shadow Minister of Pacific Island Affairs Associate Shadow Minister of Health Associate Shadow Minister for Economic Development | |
Moana Mackey | Shadow Minister for Rural Affairs Shadow Minister for Research and Development Shadow Minister for Science and Technology | |
Hon Steve Chadwick | Junior Whip Shadow Minister for Conservation | |
Sue Moroney | Shadow Minister for Women's Affairs Shadow Minister of Education | |
Hon Rick Barker | Shadow Minister for Courts Shadow Minister of Veterans' Affairs | |
Ross Robertson | Shadow Minister for Small Business Shadow Minister for Senior Citizens Shadow Minister for Racing Associate Shadow Minister for Disarmament and Arms Control | |
George Hawkins | Shadow Minister of Housing | |
Mita Ririnui | Shadow Minister of Forestry Associate Shadow Minister in Charge of Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Associate Shadow Minister of Agriculture | |
Lynne Pillay | Shadow Minister for Disability Issues Associate Shadow Minister of Justice | |
Ashraf Choudhary | Shadow Minister for Food Safety Shadow Minister for Agricultural Science Associate Shadow Minister for Ethnic Affairs | |
Darien Fenton | Shadow Minister for Transport Safety Associate Shadow Minister of Labour | |
William Sio | Shadow Minister of Customs Associate Shadow Minister for Pacific Island Affairs Associate Shadow Minister of Local Government | |
Jacinda Ardern | Shadow Minister for Youth Affairs Associate Shadow Minister of Justice | |
Carol Beaumont | Shadow Minister for Consumer Affairs Associate Shadow Minister of Labour | |
Brendon Burns | Shadow Minister of Broadcasting Associate Shadow Minister for the Environment | |
Clare Curran | Shadow Minister for Communication and IT | |
Kelvin Davis | Shadow Minister for Biosecurity Associate Shadow Minister of Education | |
Chris Hipkins | Shadow Minister of Internal Affairs Associate Shadow Minister of Energy | |
Raymond Huo | Shadow Minister Responsible for the Law Commission Shadow Minister of Statistics Associate Shadow Minister for Ethnic Affairs | |
Iain Lees-Galloway | Shadow Minister for Land Information Associate Shadow Minister of Defence Associate Shadow Minister of Health | |
Stuart Nash | Shadow Minister of Revenue Associate Shadow Minister of Trade Associate Shadow Minister of Forestry | |
Rajen Prasad | Shadow Minister for the Voluntary and Community Sector Associate Shadow Minister for Ethnic Affairs Associate Shadow Minister for Social Development and Employment | |
Grant Robertson | Shadow Minister of State Services Associate Shadow Minister for Arts, Culture, and Heritage Associate Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs | |
Carmel Sepuloni | Shadow Minister of Civil Defence Associate Shadow Minister for Tertiary Education Associate Shadow Minister for Social Development and Employment | |
Phil Twyford | Shadow Minister for Disarmament and Arms Control Shadow Minister Responsible for Auckland Issues Associate Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs | |
Hon Jim Anderton | Shadow Minister of Agriculture |