Shasta McNasty

Shasta McNasty is an American sitcom that aired on UPN during the 1999–2000 season. The show was created by Jeff Eastin and produced by Eastin and Neal H. Moritz. The show starred Carmine Giovinazzo, Jake Busey, Dale Godboldo, and Jolie Jenkins.
Although Shasta McNasty premiered with less-than-favorable reviews from critics, the program was nominated for a People's Choice Award for best new comedy. However, the series was cancelled after just 1 season, joining many other shows to be cancelled during UPN's troubled run as a network.


Shasta McNasty focused on three friends — Scott, Dennis and Randy — who are part of the rap rock band Shasta McNasty. After signing to Da Funk Records, the three friends relocate from Chicago to LA where they find out that the label has gone bust. Keeping their advance money that they'd been given, they rent an apartment in Venice Beach where they share a kitchen with their next door neighbor Diana. The first half of the series focused on the band, their landlord, odd jobbing to make rent and generally getting up to mischief, while the second half of the season focused on them working at the local bar for their friend Vern, hoping to get signed by a label again and the developing relationship between Scott and Diana.
The series' concluding episode is set ten years later, and is presented as an episode of "Behind The Band 2010". It is revealed that Shasta McNasty did become a famous, highly successful band; nevertheless, ego, addiction, in-fighting, and creative differences took their toll.




A sneak preview of the series after UPN's highly rated WWF SmackDown! drew 4.52 million viewers. However, when the series was moved to its scheduled 8 p.m. timeslot, ratings dropped. Halfway through the first season, UPN shortened the show's title to Shasta, and the series was canceled after its first season.