
Sheitaan is a 2017 Indian Bollywood horror thriller film, written by Faisal Saif and directed by Sameer Khan under Saif's own banner Faith Pictures Inc distributed by Dimension Pictures.
Based on some real life jinn possession related incidents, the film marks debut of Bangladeshi actor Nirab Hossain in Bollywood. Earlier the film was known by its working title Balaa. The film caused huge controversies among Muslim community, including in Britain.
The story of the movie bears strong resemblance to the story of the movie Siyaah


Sheitaan is a horror thriller based on a true story about a claimed murder of a child by his father and depicts controversial understandings between Shia and Sunni Muslim community. The first scene starts with a recitation of Quran by London based Islamic healer Abu Nadeer while performing ruqyia.



Saif approached and signed popular Bangladeshi actor Nirab Hossain and Kavita Radheshyam to star in a movie produced under his home banner Faith Pictures Inc. Later Pakistani actress Meera along with Miss South India 2016 Iti Acharya were also added to the cast.


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