Shia Wa Se (TV series)

Shia Wa Se is a 2016 Taiwanese comedy, romance television series. It is adaptation from one of nominated drama script on the 4th Television Scriptwriting Awards held by Ministry of Culture. Starring :zh:竇智孔|Bobby Dou, Mariko Okubo, :zh:黃嘉千|Phoebe Huang and :zh:羅北安|Lo Pei-An as the main cast. Filming began on December 10, 2014 and wrapped up on March 23, 2015. First original broadcast began on January 29, 2016 on TTV airing every Friday night at 10:00–11:30 pm.
This drama was originally plan for total of 18 episodes but cut 4 episodes to total of 14 episodes after that.


Matsuzaka Bistro is a hot diner in Taiwan where people go for great homemade food and the welcoming atmosphere of a loving family that owns it. But it could all be a hoax! The sweet parents and their enthusiastic son and daughter are actually not even related to each other. The strangers met by coincidence when they each needed a new start in life and decided to become a family in order to open the restaurant. But is a true family born or made?


Main cast

Episode ratings

Competing dramas on rival channels airing at the same time slot were: