Shihura Khurd Kalan

Shihura Khurd Kalan is a village and a Panchayat in Block -Khutar, Shahjahanpur district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. The latitude 28.2761211028683 and longitude 80.25268292374676 are the geocoordinate of sihura. Lucknow is the state capital for Sihura Khurd Kalan village. It is located around 186.4 kilometer away from Sihura Khurd Kalan.. The other nearest state capital from Sihura Khurd Kalan is Delhi and its distance is 350.2 km. The other surrounding state capitals are Lucknow 175.0 km., Dehradun 307.8 km., Chandigarh 439.1 km. The surrounding nearby villages and its distance from sihura are mahua mania 1 km, Longapur 1 km,Mohanpur 2 km, Moradpur niviya kheda
,bakundhapur 1 km, Punoutee 1.5 KMDhakna lahiya 5 km etc.

Gram Pradhan list

Shihura is a gram panchayat in which six villages are located. The names of the villages are shihura khurd kalan, mahua mainiya, baikundhapur, hitouti, dalippur and kohanpu. The total population of shihura gram punchayat is 1749.
Gram puchayat bhavan is near to the sabzi bazaar and temple. Many problems and policies are discussed in gram punchayat bhavan.

School and educational institutes

In This Village, there is only two school,
Primary School
Junior High School

Sabzi Bazaar and Temple

There is sabzi bazaar, arranged by Mr. Ramratan Lal Dixit. and a temple which is also built by Mr. Ramratan Lal Dixit


Shihura is located at. It has an average elevation of 169 metres. Dudhwa National Park is 60 km away and Gola Gokhran Nath is 32 km away.


India census, sihura had a population of 1183 and category wise there are 340 in SC, 643 in OBC and remaining 200 in General category. Males constitute 56.49% of the population and females 43.51%. sihura has an average literacy rate of 22%, lower than the national average of 59.5%: male literacy is 58%, and female literacy is 32%. In shihura 18% of the population is under 6 years of age.