Shikina Seimei

Shikina Ueekata Seimei, also known by his Chinese style name Kiryū, was a bureaucrat, politician and scholar of Japanese literature of the Ryukyu Kingdom.
Shikina was born to an aristocrat family called Mō-uji Inoha Dunchi. He was the third son of Inoha Seiki, and also a younger brother of Inoha Seihei. Both Seiki and Seihei had been served as Sanshikan, and Shikina Seimei himself served as a member of Sanshikan from 1702 to 1712. In his term, he was assigned to take charge of collecting Omoro Sōshi, and compiling Konkōkenshū, the first dictionary of the Okinawan language in history.
Shikina was also the writer of Omoidegusa, a poetic diary written in Japanese.