Shinya (musician)

Shinya is a Japanese musician, best known as the drummer of the metal band Dir En Grey. He has been with the band since its inception in 1997 and was previously a member of La:Sadie's. Along with Kaoru, Shinya is one of the two members that do not use a stage name. Shinya has composed a handful of songs for Dir En Grey, his compositions alternating between melodic and upbeat tunes.



Shinya was born on February 24, 1978 in Hirakata, Osaka. In 1995 he helped form and joined La:Sadie's. La:Sadie's disbanded in 1997. Later that year, he joined Dir en grey. In 1999, Dir en grey made their major debut. He has been with the band since its inception.


CD Albums that have influenced his music:
With Dir En Grey, Shinya has used Ludwig, Yamaha and Pearl drums in that order. He has used Istanbul Agop Alchemy cymbals until the mid 2000s when he switched to Sabian cymbals. Pearl also developed his signature model drumsticks. Shinya has also designed his own signature series drumstick with Pearl. The sticks are made of hickory and painted in white.