Shiraz (singer)

Shiraz is a Lebanese artist that has released popular hits. She represented Lebanon in Miss Earth 2008.


In 2015, Shiraz released Kif Badak Aani Tghib that was a great success, and later in 2016 Shiraz continued that success with the release of Gamara and Ayesh Ma3aya.
For two years in a row, Shiraz participated in the International Beirut Marathon since 2015, and sang her most popular hits in front of a crowd that exceeded 100,000 in Downtown Beirut, and Beirut Water Front. In 2015, Shiraz launched a university tour that covered many top leading educational institutions in Lebanon such as Notre Dame University – Louaize and University of Balamand.


Shiraz won the Murex d'Or in 2016 and got awarded with the title of The Star of The Youth Song.


Shiraz is known for being a pet lover, and is a big supporter of animal rights.