The Shivnetras are an almost extinct community which originated from Varanasi in Northern India. Similar to the Kshatriyas but somewhat more controversial in social context, the Shivnetras are almost extinct today due to the widespread relocation and displacement of the community. The word "Shivnetra" translates into "Lord Shiva's third eye", and the first Shivnetra is born out of Shiva's third eye as a Swayambhu which largely points out to be the Hindu deity Kartikeyya or Kal Bhairav as the first Shivnetra. Temples which have been closely linked with this community had either Kartikeyya or Kal Bhairav as a sub-deity with Shiva as the main deity. The netras were believed to have been heavily guarded by Aghoris of both Ujjain and Varanasi almost akin to a secret society, until the great migration to South India commenced.
The Shivnetra migration which started from Varanasi through Ujjain is said to have passed Rameshwaram ended in Trichirapalli and Tanjore, the shivnetras were sipped into royal appointments by the Chola Empire and formed an integral part of King Raja Raja Chola's court as ministers of defence, treasury and spirituality.
Shifting of society
The Brahmins of South India soon championed a new era in southern Indian religion gaining prominence backed by foreign forces to wipe out remaining Shivnetras who set and lived by strict vedic rules; the netras did not believe that there needs to be a messenger between the seeker and the truth or between Shiva and a devotee, hence in most North Indian temples, which are seen as Shiva power houses linked to the netras, devotees can perform their own prayers and abisheks on a shivlinga as opposed to south IndianBrahmin who bars entry to the inner shrine of its temples and conducts the prayers on behalf of the devotees. A Shivnetra is never allowed to accept any form of offering known as dakshina from anyone for conducting puja, instead recommends multiple non-religious work in its community to have resources in the form of food or money. Shivnetras contribution to astronomy, astrology and mathematics were impeccable, and championed their own ephemerids and equinoxes based on the Vaakya calculation method, which is claimed by Puranas to be guided by the Indian sage Agastya.
Shivnetra evolution
Shivnetras today are only identified with their surname whilst some Shaiva have been completely dissolved into other castes making them completely extinct. Shivnetras re-established their roots in Varanasi over the past century. The Panchaloga bangle found on a Shivnetra male's left hand is forever associated with them, and a Shivnetra is usually associated by it throughout India.