Shooting at the 1908 Summer Olympics – Men's trap

The men's individual trap shooting competition was one of 15 shooting sports events on the Shooting at the 1908 Summer Olympics programme. Each nation could enter up to 12 shooters.

Competition format

Shooting was conducted in three rounds, with each shooter firing at 30 clay birds in the first round, 20 in the second, and 30 in the third. In the first and second rounds, and for 20 of the birds in the third round, the shooting was on "Team System," meaning that the shooter knew which trap the bird would come from but not the angle; for the final 10 birds of the third round, the shooting was on the "Single Fire" system, with unknown traps and angles. Eliminations took place after each round. These eliminations were supposed to remove half of the competitors between the first and second rounds, and half the remaining between the second and third; but the number of finalists was much greater than one-quarter the number of competitors.
28 shooters advanced to the final round, though 7 did not finish it. The highest possible aggregate score was 80 points.


The Official Report gives a list of competitors, but gives scores only for those reaching the final round.