Shoshana Kamin

Shoshana Kamin , born Susanna L'vovna Kamenomostskaya, is a Soviet-born Israeli mathematician, working on the theory of parabolic partial differential equations and related mathematical physics problems.


Shoshana Kamin graduated from Moscow University in 1953 and earned her "candidate of science" degree from the same university in 1959, under the supervision of Olga Oleinik.
She and her two sons left the Soviet Union in the early 1971. After that she becoming professor in Tel Aviv University, where she is now professor emeritus.


In the late 1950s, she gave the first proof of the existence and uniqueness of the generalized solution of the three-dimensional Stefan problem. Her proof was generalised by Oleinik.
Later, she made important contributions to the study of the porous medium equation,
and to non-linear elliptic equations.

Selected publications
