Shu'a' Khalifa

Shu'a' Khalifa is a Qatari novelist.
Khalifa was born in Doha. With her sister, Dalal Khalifa, she was one of the first two novelists to publish work in Qatar. Her first novel, al-Ubur ila al-haqiqa, was written in 1987, and was followed by Ahlam al-bahr al-qadima, written in 1990; both were published in 1993. Her third novel, Fi intizar al-safira, was published the following year. All three deal with questions of modern life and the modernization of Qatar, tempered by nostalgia for the past. They depict the transformation of the country in the oil era. Stylistically Khalifa employs descriptions of past society, tangents which have been said to weaken the structure of her novels.