The Park House built in 1884, was once the winery of Professor John Jacob Hart, one of the city's founding fathers. In about 1884 Mr. Hart moved his family,, from Cleveland to Sierra Madre and purchased 40 acres of land. His main instruments were the violin and piano, teaching both into his 70s. Professor Hart added to his income as a music teacher, by growing and selling his high quality "Monte Vina" wines, his winery was on his property, which ranged from Sierra Madre Boulevard on the north to Orange Grove on the south, the park house on his property was just south of Sierra Madre blvd. In 1980 the house was dedicated as the Senior Citizens’ Center Memorial Park House. It was of adobe construction. After many renovations the house has few of its original construction, but the original grand fireplace remains. The house is site #42 on Sierra Madre historic landmark list. There are 50 properties listed on Sierra Madre's Designated Historical Properties List. Hart help establish the city's first public library, he also helped bring the Pacific Electric street car to town in 1905 on the Sierra Madre line, it ran each day till service ended in 1950. At the start of housing subdivision construction south of Central Avenue, now called Sierra Madre Boulevard, Hart insisted on some of the streets having Spanish names. These included Mariposa, Ramona, Manzanita and Esperanza avenues. The park house is used by the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3208 of Sierra Madre once a month.
In 1926, a 1905 World War Icannon was dedicated and placed in the park. The 150 mmhowitzer field artillery cannon was built by the Fried Krupp A.G. Corporation of Essen, Germany. The U.S. confiscated the cannon, then gave it to the City of Pasadena with a twin, Pasadena gave the cannon to Sierra Madre for its Memorial Park. In October 2007 the refurbished World War I cannon was re-dedicated.
The Weeping Wall Veterans Memorial was dedicated on April 24, 1999, it was designed by Lew Watanabe. Monument reads: "Dedicated to all the armed forces veterans of Sierra Madre, Who served our country in peace and war... who helped to preserve peace and freedom for our city, country and the world. The wall weeps... not with sorrow, but with pride. God bless them all. April 1999."
The Sierra Madre Veterans Time Capsule, dated April 24, 1999, holds Sierra Madre veterans' memorial memorabilia. It is near the Weeping Wall.
The Veterans’ Photo Wall was dedicated on October 11, 2003. In front of the wall is also a flag pole
The Monument to the Unknown Scout was dedicated on February 13, 1948. There is a plague on the Monument that reads: "Dedicated to the unknown boy scout in honor of all boy scouts of Sierra Madre past and present who served in World War II, February 13, 1948". Three scout leaders that returned from World War II worked to have a city monument to honor both the scouts that served in World War II and the unknown Scout that help bring scouting to the USA. A Ceremony is held each year by Troop 373 of Sierra Madre to remember the World War II Scouts and the Unknown Boy Scout.