Significance (magazine)

Significance, established in 2004, is a bimonthly magazine published by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the Royal Statistical Society and the American Statistical Association. It publishes articles on topics of statistical interest presented at a level suited for a general audience. Articles are reviewed by an editorial board of statistics experts. The founding editor-in-chief was Helen Joyce. The current editor is Brian Tarran. Significance replaced the RSS's journal, The Statistician.
In addition to ordinary articles in the magazine, additional "virtual issues" are made available online. In November 2010 the magazine launched its website. Having been launched as a quarterly magazine, Significance changed to a bimonthly frequency in 2011.
Members of either the RSS or the ASA receive the magazine as part of their membership. In January 2015, the RSS and ASA decided to make the magazine issues available to the public free of charge a year after their publication.