
Sihi is a village panchayat, or village counsel, located in the faridabad district of Haryana state, India. The village is dominated by Yadavs and Dalits. Sihi is located away from Chandigarh, the capital of Haryana. The nearest state capital to Sihi is Delhi which is away. It lies on main Northern Peripheral Road also known as Dwarka expressway.

Nearest places

The nearest railway station to Sihi is Garhi Harsaru, which is a distance. Basai Dhankot railway station is away. Basai railway station is away. Adrsh Ngr Delhi railway station is away. Mananwala railway station is away.


Sihi is about 400 years old village. Before the Partition in 1947, Sihi was controlled by the Pathans who migrated from Afghanistan about 400 years ago. There were also some Hindus living there but they didn't have the right to sell any property in the village. After partition all the Muslims were compelled to leave the village and eventually almost all the living Muslims migrated to Pakistan and are mainly living in Karachi.