Silvio Samuel

Silvio Samuel is an IFBB professional bodybuilder.


Silvio Samuel is an IFBB professional bodybuilder, that represent Spain. who went from amateur to an outstanding world best bodybuilder, with many interesting competitions and winning career. He was discovered by Coach Alfonso Gomez Plaza, from been a young Olympic weightlifter with lots of potential and energy good enough to be a stand-out bodybuilder, and it turn out to true. Silvio originated from Nigeria, to a larger family members of two boys and six sisters. Left Nigeria due to the political and nationwide instability that courses death among some of his family members. Growing up traveling all over the world still with the passion in sports it turn out to be a life saving career for him and his family. Ten years career in Olympic Weightlifting, and joining the amateur bodybuilding winning it all Internationally, for five years consecutively, he turn professional after winning the Joe Weider competition in France, that actually gave silvio his professional license in 2006, while allowed him to pursue his dream career and becoming one of the world top IFBB professional bodybuilder.
His career suffered a blow when a gender event occurred with his partner, reason why he left the high level competitions for a while.

Contest history