
Simolândia is a municipality in northeast Goiás state, Brazil.

Location and Geography

Simolândia is situated in the northeast of Goiás, at kilometer 250 of the important BR-020. It forms boundaries with Posse, Alvorada do Norte and Buritinópolis. It belongs to the Vão do Paranã statistical micro-region.
The distance to Goiânia is 460 km. Highway connections are made by BR-153 / Anápolis / BR-060 / Alexânia / Sobradinho / Planaltina / Formosa / BR-020 / BR-030 / BR-020 / Vila Boa / Alvorada do Norte.
The municipality lies mainly on the slopes of the Serra da Chapadinha and the topography is broken by several rivers: the Corrente, Salobro and Buriti, which are popular with tourists. The climate is hot and dry. The vegetation is made up of 60% forest and 40% savanna. Hardwoods are exported or used in the furniture industry.

Demographic Information

The economy is based on subsistence agriculture, cattle raising, services, public administration, and small transformation industries. There were no banks in 2007. There were 362 automobiles in 2007.
Agricultural data 2006
Simolândia was ranked 233 out of 242 municipalities in the state of Goiás on the United Nations Human Development Index with a score of 0.657. Nationally it was ranked 3,649 out of 5,507 municipalities in 2000.