
Simplexity is an emerging theory that proposes a possible complementary relationship between complexity and simplicity. The term draws from General Systems Theory, Dialectics and Design. Jeffrey Kluger wrote a book about this phenomenon that describes how house plants can be more complicated than industrial plants, how a truck driver's job can be as difficult as a CEO's and why 90% of the money donated to help cure diseases are given only to the research of 10% of them.
The term has been adopted in advertising, marketing and other industries.

Design aspects

Like most terms, it has been shaped through dialogues and discussion. Several individuals have participated in the development of the meaning of this term in both formal and informal venues. Most notable is Anuraj Gambhir who is attributed with the creation and popularisation of this term through various presentations and conferences around the world.


One of the first formally published instances of the word was in the journal 'Childhood Education', in the article it appears to be used to discuss education and psychology related issues.

In science

and Ian Stewart authors of the book The Collapse of Chaos, a non-fiction book that attempts to explain chaos theory and complex systems to the general public.
The complexity of algorithms and of mathematical problems is one of the central subjects of theoretical computer science. Simplexity was whimsically defined by computer scientists Broder and Stolfi as a concept worthy of as much attention as complexity:

"The simplexity of a problem is the maximum inefficiency among the algorithms that solve P. An algorithm is said to be for a problem P if the best-case inefficiency of A is asymptotically equal to the simplexity of P."

The concept of Simplexity was amplified in the mid 1970s by Bruce Schiff and restated as "The process by which nature strives towards simple ends by complex means. The result of a simple random act can only be predicted by complicated means. The spatial placement of each atom in a transplanted plant root ball is difficult to predict, but, the plant will adapt its root ball to the hole, and continue to thrive. This conceptual expression harkens back to original statements of Newton, "Nature is pleased with simplicity", Dalton, "rule of greatest simplicity," and Einstein, "Nature is the realization of the simplest conceivable mathematical ideas."
In 1974 Rustum Roy and Olaf Müller noted simplexity in the structure of ternary compounds:
In 2003, simplexity has been defined by Philippe Compain in the context of an article on the future of synthetic chemistry as follows:

"Simplexity may be defined as the combination of simplicity and complexity within the context of a dynamic relationship between means and ends.";

The quest for simplicity constitutes indeed the basis for all future challenges of chemical synthesis including diversity, selectivity and green chemistry. Due to the almost infinity of molecules that could in theory be synthesized, the focus of synthetic research has been shifted gradually from target-oriented synthesis to diversity-oriented synthesis. A scientific approach based on the power of the molecular construction game and guided by an ideal for simplicity, has a high potential for discovery. The creative combination of synthetic methodologies, mixing simplicity and maximization of structural complexity, is indeed expected to be a powerful tool to produce unprecedented molecular structures with beneficial properties for mankind.


Simplexity became the topic of formal discussion at the Hamburg Trend Day in Germany. Among the formal contributors were Peter Wippermann, Dr. Norbert Bolz, David Bosshart, Designer Ora Ito, Markus Shepherd, Susane Tide Frater.
Simplexity: Why Simple Things Become Complex by Jeffrey Kluger details many ways in which simplexity theory can be applied to multiple disciplines. Kluger offers a look at simplexity at work in economics, sports, linguistics, technology, medicine, and dozens of human behaviors. Simplexity also provides insight into how readers can improve their lives by understanding the interplay of complexity and simplicity.


Simplexity has been used by Jens Nordvig to describe the particular aim of his analytics firm Exante Data.
"Maybe the best word for what we are trying to achieve is simplexity. A research product that draws on a very complex analytical foundation, but is presented in a very simple and easy to digest manner.... This concept of simplexity may be important in a much broader sense. The general idea of simplexity could be key to effectively service a growing community of so-called “quantmental” fund managers that use large amounts of data and modeling in their processes, while still applying a human touch in the final investment decisions. We think simplexity will be increasingly important to how we develop our overall research at Exante."

Social aspects

Professor Peter Wipperman proposed a social definition
"We long for simplicity and satisfaction. Simplexity therefore stands for a balance between the growing complexity of daily life and our own personal satisfaction. In order to attain this state, we have to stop always striving to make optimal decisions. In the future, it will be more important to make judgments that are just good enough."