Sinbad (film series)
Sinbad is a series of Japanese animated family adventure films inspired by One Thousand and One Nights and produced by Nippon Animation and Shirogumi. Made in celebration of the former company's 40th anniversary, the trilogy of films were directed by Shinpei Miyashita and written by Kaeko Hayafune and Hiroyuki Kawasaki. Miyashita died during the production of the third film, which was later dedicated to him. The film was finished by his student, Terumi Toyama.
The first film, A Flying Princess and a Secret Island, was released in Japan on July 4, 2015 by Aeon Entertainment. Pony Canyon released it on DVD on December 16, 2015. The second film, The Magic Lamp and the Moving Islands, was released theatrically on January 16, 2016 and on DVD on May 3, 2016. The third and final film, Night at High Noon and the Wonder Gate, was released theatrically as part of a compilation with the two others films on May 14, 2016. It was later released individually on DVD on December 21, 2016.
The three films were released in Japanese with English subtitles and with an English dub by Ocean Productions on Amazon Video in the United States and the United Kingdom in April 2017.Cast
- Tomo Muranaka as Sinbad
- Naomi Nagasawa as Ali
- Momoko Tanabe as Sana
- Hiroko Yakushimaru as Latifa, Sinbad's mother
- Takeshi Kaga as Captain Razzak
- Cole Howard as Sinbad
- Travis Turner as Ali
- Elyse Maloway as Sana
- Rebecca Shoichet as Latifa, Sinbad's mother
- Michael Adamthwaite as Captain Razzak
- Riley Murdock as Galip