Single (film)

Single is an American independent mumblecore comedy film created by Duck in a Truck Productions and Soapbox Comedy. It stars Wilder Shaw, Ezra Edmond, Julian Timm, Mark Donica, and Kristina Plisko. It was directed by Edmond & Shaw, and was produced by Edmond. Single was filmed in the summer of 2009 throughout Los Angeles, CA. The screenplay was written by Edmond with a story by Edmond and Shaw.


Kevin, Zack, Rick and Jerry are four college sophomores who desperately rush to find girls to bring on their annual camping trip. Together they learn about each other and the many sides of being single. But, in the end they must choose what really matters - girls or friends.


In April 2009, Edmond and Shaw decided to attempt to create a feature film. Single was an independent production, financed entirely by the filmmakers. Casting was completed in May, and shooting ran from June through August. It was shot dual camera, to allow ease of improvisation for the actors, on Sony HD camcorders. It is currently in post production. The first trailer for the film was released on the official site and on May 20, 2010.


The film features two songs by artist Peter Salett, who is known for his work on Keeping the Faith, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and Role Models. A club sequence towards the opening features original music by BLISS. The rest of the film's soundtrack is being created by Will Butler.