Singleton High School

Singleton High School is a government-funded co-educational comprehensive secondary day school, located in Singleton, in the Upper Hunter region of New South Wales, Australia.
Established in 1940, the school enrolled approximately 1,160 students in 2018, from Year 7 to Year 12, of whom 14 percent identified as Indigenous Australians and four percent were from a language background other than English. The school is operated by the NSW Department of Education; the principal is Joanne Scott. Singleton High School is the second biggest high school in rural New South Wales.


The high school is adjacent to the King Street Primary School, and on the same site as the Singleton Technical and Further Education Campus of the Hunter Institute of Technology. The school has a comprehensive curriculum offering a diverse range of traditional subjects and dual accredited vocational education courses within the school as well as providing access to TAFE delivered Vocational Education and Training courses at Singleton TAFE.
The school colours are royal blue and sky blue. The sporting houses are Burdekin, Elliott, Howe and Munro.
Singleton High School has a sister school in Takahata, Japan. Students also have opportunities to be involved in global excursions to Japan, USA and an Asian destination for cultural and community engagement tours. The Ka Wul Aboriginal Cultural Resource Centre has received National recognition for the embedded Aboriginal programs within the school.