Sir Guy Carleton Secondary School

Sir Guy Carleton Secondary School is a high school in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. It specializes in Vocational Education, with programs modified to suit individual abilities. It also offers a General Learning Program, A Physical Support Program and a Behavioural Intervention Program for students with Special Education needs.
The school is located in Nepean on Centrepointe Drive.
Sir Guy is under the jurisdiction of the Ottawa Carleton District School Board.
Sir Guy is also known for their motto The School That Works; it is well-known not for its athletics but is for its classes.

Students and staff

Sir Guy's students come from the western zones of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board and from other Ottawa area boards. Students are collected by bus from all over the city to participate in courses suited to their level of ability and entry into the workforce.
The staff is composed of more than 50 teachers, 20 educational assistants, office staff, culinary staff, a technician and custodial staff.

Programs offered

Programs Offered
All meals at Sir Guy are created under the supervision of the Red Seal chefs at the school. In the morning, free breakfasts are provided to all who want one. At lunch time, lunches are sold or students may work 20 minutes to earn their lunch.
The Drop Everything and Read program is one of the school initiatives to improve reading by providing an opportunity for all students to read. Once a week the whole school drops whatever they are doing and students read for 20 uninterrupted minutes material about the subject they are in. For example, if a student is in Auto Mechanics they read about cars, if they are in the Child Care class they read about children.
The SAGE Youth Program gives students an opportunity to develop and improve their basic literacy skills by working one-on-one with trained and devoted volunteers once a week. The volunteers are from Sage Youth, a volunteer organization based in Ottawa whose purpose is helping high-need children to improve their reading. Sir Guy Carleton hosts these volunteers and pairs them students who want extra help.

Notable events