Sisters of Wellber

Sisters of Wellber is a fantasy anime television series animated by Trans Arts. Directed by Takayuki Hamana, the director behind the renowned Prince of Tennis TV series and animated movies, Sisters of Wellber began airing in Japan on Tokyo MX, Mētele, ABC, and AT-X in April 2007.
A related manga, MUZZLE-LOADER 〜Wellber Stories〜, began serialization on February 28, 2007 in Monthly Comic Blade, one of Mag Garden's magazines.
A second season started on January 1, 2008, picking up just where the first season left off.


On the first season, Rita, the princess of the Kingdom of Wellber, stabs her sadist betrothed, Prince Gernia of Sangatras, and flees the city together with Tina, a feisty cat burglar who has given her refuge and offered to hire on as her bodyguard. Rita must travel on a secret diplomatic mission to the remote Kingdom of Greedom in a last-ditch attempt to prevent a full-scale war between Wellber and Sangatras.
In the second season, Sisters of Wellber Zwei, the group arrived at Greedom just in time to prevent a war between Wellber and Sangatras. After this is resolved, Tina is looking for information about her parents' murderer, the man with the wasp tattoo.


;Tina Lothar
;Rita Sior
;Cyrano de Bergerac
;Galahad Eiger
;King Hydel Sior
;Rodin Sior
;Prince Gernia Han
;Jamille Kyra

First season episodes

Second season episodes

This series is known as Sisters of Wellber Zwei.
