As can be seen the names of the levels are the same as the names of the head and foot pairs of acupuncture meridians. The order is roughly the order that a disease takes as you go from health to death. In some disease levels are skipped or the order can change.
Tai Yang stage
is started when a person is exposed to an exterior cold pathogen. The symptoms are Fever and maybe small chills, aversion to cold, pain in the back of the neck and head, Tongue has not yet changed, Pulse is floating. This stage has two sub stages. 1. Attack by wind. 2. Attack by cold. 3. Water Amassment 4. Blood amassment Treatment in this stage to release the exterior
Yang Ming stage
has high fever, profuse sweating, aversion to heat, thirst, red face, restlessness. The tongue has a red body and dry coating. Pulse Rapid, flooding Treatment-clearing, draining
Shao Yang stage
channel symptoms- loss of hearing, red eyes, dizziness, visual distortion, headaches and hypochondriac pain, alternating cold and hot. bowel symptoms-bitter taste, nausea or retching, irritability, anxiety Tongue-Thin, thin coat pulse-wiry Treatment-Harmonize
Tai Yin
chronic watery diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, no thirst, abdominal pain Tongue-white coating Pulse-xu unless severe pain, then xu and wiry Treatment-warm
Shao Yin
2 subsections—constant fatigue in either situation Hot- fever, irritability, insomnia, dry mouth and throat, scanty and dark urine. This is a xu heat, meaning the treatment is nourishing yin and not clearing heat Cold-frequent urination with clear urine, cold extremities, aversion to cold, perhaps body joint aches and diarrhea. treatment method is warming. Tongue-Red if hot pattern, pale if cold pattern Pulse-faint and weak -rapid with heat
Jue Yin
Primary symptoms-thirst, qi surging into chest with burning pain, hunger with no desire to eat, cold extremities. heat patterns-diarrhea with burning sensation, rectal heaviness, abdominal cramps, thirst or cold extremities with interior heat cold patterns- cold limbs, diarrhea with undigested food, vomiting, headaches on vertex, spasm Upper heat, lower cold-severe vomiting-case relates to roundworms