Sjögren–Larsson syndrome

Sjögren–Larsson syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive form of ichthyosis with neurological symptoms. It can be identified by a triad of medical disorders. The first is ichthyosis, which is a buildup of skin to form a scale-like covering that causes dry skin and other problems. The second identifier is paraplegia which is characterized by leg spasms. The final identifier is intellectual delay.
The gene of SLS is found on chromosome 17. In order for a child to receive SLS both parents must be carriers of the SLS gene. If they are carriers their child has a ¼ chance of getting the disease. In 1957 Sjögren and Larsson proposed that the Swedes with the disease all descended from a common ancestor 600 years ago. Today only 30–40 persons in Sweden have this disease.

Signs and symptoms

The usual presentation of crystalline maculopathy is from the age of 1-2 years onwards.


It is associated with a deficiency of the enzyme fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase located on the short arm of chromosome 17. At least 11 distinct mutations have been identified.
This condition is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern.




It was characterized by Torsten Sjögren and Tage Konrad Leopold Larsson, a Swedish medical statistician.
It should not be confused with Sjögren's syndrome, which is a distinct condition named after a different person.