Slime Time Live

Slime Time Live is a television series that aired on Nickelodeon from 2000–2004, lasting 8 seasons. During its run it was hosted by Dave Aizer, Jonah Travick and Jessica Holmes and produced/directed by Jason Harper. It was located outside of the former Nickelodeon Studios at Universal Studios Florida. It mainly aired as filler during regular commercial time.
The show holds two Guinness World Records - most people pied in three minutes, and most people slimed. The sliming was done outdoors, in front of the studios.


The show was known to have slimed their audience; when they did this they would pick someone, sit them in a chair, and ask them a question. If they answered correctly, they would get a bucket of slime poured on top of them.


The show was also known to have their audience members, contestants, hosts, celebrity guests, and staff caught on-camera pied in the face. When it was cancelled, Nick's pieing trademark was forgotten. It was later revived through the Nick-themed resort and cruise line.

Interactive games

During the show, viewers would phone in to play interactive games with players on the show. The most common game was to make a match of Nicktoons from off of a Tic-tac-toe grid. The board was scrambled before game play and if a match was made, the home player would win a prize and the contestant would be slimed and often pied as well. If they did not make a match, host Dave Aizer would receive a pie in the face. Later when the mystery bucket was introduced, if no match was made, only the mystery bucket would drop on the player. In addition to Nicktoons, the board included a pie tile, a "cream blaster" tile, a bonus tile and an "instant slime" tile or a wild card. On some occasions, an overload of slime is used.
More interactive games would be played as the run progressed. Many celebrities from other Nick shows appeared often.

The Big Shaboozie

First known as "Super Sloppy Slime-Off," The Big Shaboozie was the show's end game. Below are changes made, over the years, to it while the show was on-air.


In "Super Sloppy Slime-Off," two out of three teams, Jessica led one team and Jonah led the other, would stand under a trough filled with slime. Dave would ask a Nick-related question, if one of the in-house players answered the question, one of the contestants from the home player's team would be pied by their team leader; if they answered wrong, a contestant from the opposing team would be pied by their team leader. The team to have all three of their members pied would be slimed and receive a grand prize.


Renamed "The Big Shaboozie," changes to the game included Dave asking Nick-related questions on the given topic ; all players would now wear goggles during the game—whether it was getting pied, slimed, etc. -- in addition to getting slimed, the members of the winning team would be blasted with whipped cream.
Changes unrelated to the game
This time, there are only two players on each team. Each team takes turns deciding which number to pick on a Tic-tac-Toe board; if one team finds "The Big Shaboozie" they will win the game, but if they find "The Whammy," the opposing team wins.
Changes unrelated to the game
For the final season, the show began recording prior to the days it was set to air, and aired in the morning hours. Nickelodeon had tried to gain young viewers in that time through this, but ratings declined shortly thereafter. The show would often "connect" with U-Pick Live, which would replace it later in the year.
On the grand finale, the show broke the world record for most people slimed at one time.

''Friday Night Slimetime''

One year after the show's cancellation, Friday Night Slimetime premiered on Nickelodeon, but unlike the original version, its segments were prerecorded. It lasted for two back to back seasons and was hosted by Lil' JJ and Chloe Dolandis. Nickelodeon had a talent hold on Lil' JJ and was forced to give him a show to finish out his contract. Because of this, Dave Aizer was brought on board as a writer and also occasionally announced the prizes. The most common prizes on it were either a bicycle or athletic balls. This ran from September 23, 2005 to March 24, 2006.