Slovak Green Party
The Slovak Green Party, founded in 2006 is an environmentalist political party in Slovakia without parliamentary representation. It is not a member of the European Green Party.History
Until January 2006 the Slovak member of the European Green Party, had officially the name of Strana zelených na Slovensku, before becoming Strana zelených.
On August 21, 2006, a splinter group registered officially as Strana zelenej alternatívy, then changed its name in September 26, 2006 to the present Strana zelených Slovenska. It took part in the local elections in December 2006 in a coalition with the Slovak Democratic and Christian Union – Democratic Party and gained two seats in the municipal council in Senica.
The party did not take part in parliamentary elections until those of 2016 when its 42 candidates led by its leader the psychologist Natália Hanulíková got 17,541 votes and no seat.