Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada

Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada, also stylized as Slow Riot for New Zerø Kanada, is the first EP and second release by Godspeed You! Black Emperor. It was released on the Montreal-based record label Constellation Records in 1999, and was re-released by Kranky.


The album packaging makes only sparing reference to either the band or the album title: the outer packaging does not make any reference to Godspeed, but mentions them in the liner notes; the album title is only shown on the spine of the album cover. The song titles are not listed anywhere on the cover.
The cardboard album case is unusual in that it opens in the opposite direction of a conventional CD case; this is due to the Hebrew text being read from right to left.
The front of the album contains Hebrew characters תֹ֙הוּ֙ וָבֹ֔הוּ, as well as the rest of the Hebrew Bible. On the inside cover, this text is put into greater context, with Jer 4:23–27 provided in both Hebrew and English :
The back of the EP contains a diagram with instructions in Italian on how to make a molotov cocktail.
Unusually, each side of the LP is meant to be played at a different speed. Side A, "Moya," is played at 45 rpm, while side B, "BBF3," is played at 33 rpm.



The song title is a reference to band member Mike Moya. Concert setlists sometimes refer to this song as "Gorecki" because it is a reworking of his third symphony.


The song title "BBF3" refers to the vox pop interviewee going by the name of "Blaise Bailey Finnegan III", whose eccentric ramblings form the core of the song. Finnegan recites a poem which he claims to have written himself. The poem is, in fact, mostly composed of lyrics from the song "Virus" by Iron Maiden that were written by their then-vocalist Blaze Bayley. Blaise Bailey Finnegan III is also heard interviewed at the beginning of the track "Providence" on the group's previous release F♯ A♯ ∞, and indeed some concert performances of "BBF3" also incorporate that sample.


Users of the website Rate Your Music rate it as the greatest EP of all time.

Track listing


Godspeed You! Black Emperor