Smart City Bhopal

is on a list of 98 smart cities declared by the Government of India for development under the Smart Cities Mission. Bhopal's quest for better urban living got a boost as it was listed among 98 cities selected by the Union Government of India. Bhopal is selected in first round of selected 20 Smart Cities. The objective of Smart City Bhopal is to transform Bhopal into @a leading destination for Smart, Connected and Eco Friendly communities focused on Education, Research, Entrepreneurship and Tourism"


"100 Smart Cities Mission" was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 25 June 2015. Finance minister of Madhya Pradesh Jayant Malaiya have allocated for this project.


Area based development at site at North TT Nagar is under construction Total investment in of fiber optic cable being laid under Intelligent street lighting is expected to be The Public–private partnership mode project is expected to earn BMC around in next decade.


's Universal Internet of Things Platform will be used to create India's first cloud-based Integrated Command and Control Centre in Bhopal. The center will enable the complete monitoring and administration of civic utilities and citizen services of Bhopal.

Incubation Centre

B-Nest Bhopal Smart City incubation centre is developed to facilitate start-up. Tie-up with American tech company Esri has been made to provide free access to Esri's cloud-based mappiing platform, software development tools for Startups