Snidely Whiplash

Snidely Whiplash is the archenemy of Dudley Do-Right in the Dudley Do-Right of the Mounties segments of the animated television series The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show conceived by American animator Jay Ward.
The character was voiced by Hans Conried in the original cartoon series. Alfred Molina played Whiplash in the 1999 live action film version Dudley Do-Right.
Whiplash is the stereotypical villain in the style of stock characters found in silent movies and earlier stage melodrama, wearing black clothing and a top hat and with a handlebar moustache. Whiplash's henchman, Homer, usually wears a tuque. In the cartoon's opening segments, Whiplash is seen tying Nell Fenwick to a railroad track. He is the antithesis of Do-Right, who is the archetype of goodness and a Royal Canadian Mounted Policeman. On one occasion Whiplash and Do-Right changed hats; Do-Right became the criminal supervillain who actually succeeds at crime and Whiplash became the RCMP hero for capturing the evil Do-Right.


The scene of Nell being tied to railroad tracks is an old running gag - Gloria Swanson was featured in a similar scene in a 1917 movie short.