Snowy (TV series)

Snowy is an Australian television drama thriller series that screened on the Nine Network in 1993 and was produced by Simpson Le Mesurier Films. The program was not renewed for a second season.


Snowy was set around the project to build the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme in 1949. The Logan family run a small hotel in the remote and peaceful township of Cooma. The building of the enormous dam turns the town into a wild new frontier with the surge of hopeful immigrants, shady hustlers and colourful characters.


Home media

Umbrella Entertainment released the complete series in May 2013 on DVD, Blu-Ray and on their steaming site.
TitleFormatEp #DiscsRelease DateBonus FeaturesDistributors
Snowy DVD1341 May 2013Documentary: The ForerunnerUmbrella Entertainment
Snowy Umbrella Streaming13-1 May 2013Documentary: The ForerunnerUmbrella Entertainment

Content Held By (National Film and Sound Archives)

Season TitleEpisodesNFSA ContentAvailable For Viewing
Snowy13/13All 13 Episodes
Production Stills
Production Documents