Société Française de Parasitologie

La Société Française de Parasitologie, often abridged as SFP, was founded in 1962 and is a scientific society devoted to parasitology. It publishes the scientific journal Parasite and organizes prizes and annual meetings.


The Society was created at a meeting hold on April 7, 1962 at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris, called by Jacques Callot, Jean Biguet, Alain Chabaud, and Claude Dupuis. Among the 25 founding members were Lucien Brumpt, Pierre Paul Grassé, Edouard Brygoo, Jean-Marie Doby, Louis Euzet, Hervé Harant and Jean-Antoine Rioux.


The Society published from 1981 to 1999 the Bulletin de la Société Française de Parasitologie, now extinct.
Since 1994, the Society publishes the scientific journal Parasite. The journal was published as a printed journal from 1994 to 2012 and is an online open-access journal since 2013.

List of Presidents