
Soleb is an ancient town in Nubia, in present-day Sudan. The site is located north of the third
cataract of the Nile, on the western side of the Nile. It was discovered and described by
Karl Richard Lepsius in 1844.


Soleb is also the location of a vast necropolis with small tomb chapels decorated with pyramids. The earliest
royal tombs date to the 18th dynasty, whereas some belong to the
Ramesside and Meroitic periods.

Amarna Period

During the Amarna Period, several pharaohs attended to Soleb, such as Amenhotep III,
Akhenaten, Tutankhamun, and Ay.

Amenhotep III

A large temple made of sandstone was founded here by Amenhotep III. It is the southern-most temple currently
known to have been built by this pharaoh. The temple was consecrated to the deity Amun Re and to the pharaoh
depicted deified with ram-horns. The architect may have been Amenhotep, son of Hapu.
At Sedeinga, a companion temple was built by Amenhotep III to Queen Tiye as a manifestation of the Eye of Ra.
The so-called Prudhoe Lions originally stood as guardian figures at this temple inscribed with the name of Amenhotep
III. They depict a lioness, as symbols of Sekhmet, a major deity who protected the pharaohs.


During the reign of Akhenaten, he initially is shown worshiping his father and Amen at the temple. But later,
he re-dedicates the temple to Aten.


During the reign of Tutankhamen, the religious reforms of his father were reversed and re-dedicated
the temple to Amen-Ra. He finished the second granite lion and inscribed his name on the Prudhoe Lions.


During the reign of Ay, he also inscribed his name on the Prudhoe Lions.
