Soledad Loaeza

María Soledad Loaeza Tovar is a Mexican graduate in international relations, doctor in political science, professor, researcher, writer, historian, and academic. She has specialized in the process of democratization and the transformations of society in Mexico.


Soledad Loaeza completed her studies at Vidal Castañeda y Najera National High School Plantel 4, belonging to the National Autonomous University of Mexico. She received a degree in international relations from the College of Mexico, obtaining the title in 1972 with the thesis La política exterior del general Charles de Gaulle, 1962-1970. She traveled to Europe to study for an international relations specialization at the in Munich and a doctorate summa cum laude in political science at the Institute of Political Studies in Paris with the thesis Classes moyennes, démocratie et nationalisme au Mexique. L'éducation à la recherche du consensus.
Loaeza has taught at the College of Mexico, the Ibero-American University, the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico, the Autonomous Metropolitan University Iztapalapa and the UNAM School of Political and Social Sciences. She has also taught courses at institutes and universities in the United Kingdom, Spain, the United States, and France. She speaks five languages – Spanish, French, English, German, and Italian.
Since 1987, Loaeza has been a member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences. Since 1990, she has been a member of the International Political Science Association, becoming a member of the Executive Committee from 1991 to 1997. Since 2005, she has been a member of the American Political Science Association. From 2000 to 2006, she was a member of the Political Studies Association. Since 1988, she has been a member of the Latin American Studies Association. From 1997 to 1993, she was a member of the.
Loaeza is a researcher and professor at the Colmex Center for International Studies. She has been a visiting researcher at the Institute for Political Studies in Paris, the University of Oxford, the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University, and the Kellogg Institute at the University of Notre Dame. She is a level III researcher for the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores.

Awards and distinctions

Loaeza has contributed as an editorialist for the newspaper La Jornada, has written more than 30 articles for various magazines, and has written more than 60 chapters for various books published in Mexico, France, the United Kingdom, Argentina, and the United States. She has written prologues and reviews for more than 30 works. She has translated works by Peter H. Smith, Samuel E. Finer, David A. Brading, and Donella H. Meadows. Her published books include: