Soleil Productions

Soleil Productions is a French publisher of both original and imported comic books.


Soleil was founded in 1989 in Toulouse.
Soleile quickly became known as a publisher of cartoons and parodies such as Rahan, Blek le Roc et Tarzan. It soon went into the heroic fantasy.
In the 1994, it picked up and published the Lanfeust comic series. Lanfeust became a rapid and huge success and propelled the Toulouse publishing house to the rank of the largest French comic book publishers.

Partnerships and collaborations

In 2004, Soleil and Delcourt created a joint venture called "'DelSol'", a partnership distribution society for France, Belgium and other Francophone countries.
In 2008, Marvel Comics is collaborating with them on English translations of several of their titles, including Sky Doll, Universal War One, ', Scourge of the Gods and '.
In 2008, Panini and Soleil created a joint venture called "'Fusion Comics'" in order to diffuse some U.S. comics into the French-language countries market.

List of current titles

Bandes dessinées

Published under the labels Soleil, Quadrants, Soleil Levant, Soleil Celtic, Start, Métamorphose, etc.
Published by Soleil / Fusion Comics:
Published by Végétal Manga / Soleil Manga