Sometimes They Come Back... for More

Sometimes They Come Back for More is the second straight-to-video sequel to Sometimes They Come Back. The video was directed by Daniel Zelik Berk and released in 1998.


The U.S. military has a secret illegal mining operation in Antarctica. When one of the personnel stationed at the base goes on a rampage, two military operatives, Capt. Sam Cage and Maj. Callie O'Grady are parachuted in to search the base. They discover two survivors, medical officer Capt. Jennifer Wells and technical officer Lieut. Brian Shebanski. The base radio is mysteriously smashed.
Going into the mining area of the base, Capt. Cage sees what appears to be another survivor and starts a chase through the corridors, taking an elevator to the second floor. When Maj. O'Grady collapses because of the gases in the mine he takes her to an elevator, only to discover they are actually on the fourth floor. Back in the main compound they discover that a body they had found in the snow has now moved and is gone. They find dead and dying personnel, and a book about conjuring the Devil. More bodies disappear when nobody's looking, and reappear later as lurching menaces. Soon Jennifer and Sam find themselves the only ones still alive, fighting the undead and their diabolical master.
