Somewhere in... blog

Somewhere in... blog is a Bengali blogging web site. বাঁধ ভাঙার আওয়াজ or Voice of breaking obstacle is the slogan of the blog. It is the first public blogging site in Bengali established in 2005 and the largest community of Bengali bloggers in the world. It provides free blog posting for registered users. Registration is optional to read on blogs hosted on the site. Registration is required to post in or to comment on the post. Somewhere in blog was banned for eight months.


Syeda Gulshan Ferdous Jana and her husband Arild Klokkerhaug are the founder of the blog. She is the editor of Somewhere in... blog. Site's programmer Hasin Hayder developed a Bengali phonetic keyboard which is the first tool to write in Bengali using an English keyboard. There were over 175 thousands individual registered bloggers with the site as of. The number of active bloggers are over 10,000.


For bloggers of this site, there are four types of moderation status. They are safe, general, watch, and blocked. Moderators of this blog are also known as Modu. Post syndications are fully controlled by Moderators and Administrators.