Son of Geronimo

Son of Geronimo is a 1952 American Western Serial film directed by Spencer Gordon Bennet and starring Clayton Moore.


Jim Scott attempts to bring peace between west-bound settlers and native Apaches. This task is made harder by a band of local outlaws.


  1. War of Vengeance
  2. Running the Gauntlet
  3. Stampede
  4. Apache Allies
  5. Indian Ambush
  6. Trapped by Fire
  7. A Sinister Scheme
  8. Prisoners of Porico
  9. On the Warpath
  10. The Fight at Crystal Springs
  11. A Midnight Marauder
  12. Trapped in a Flaming Teepee
  13. Jim Scott Tempts Fate
  14. A Trap for Geronimo
  15. Peace Treaty