Sona Chandi

Sona Chandi is a classic comedy-drama television serial produced by PTV. The story of the drama revolves around a couple who comes to a city in search of work. The role of Sona is played by TV actor Hamid Rana and his wife Chandi. This simple, innocent couple while performing their domestic-help jobs in different houses. The couple help many people in solving their problems.

Play's background and inspiration

The play was inspired by a real couple named Sona and Chandi from Kallurkot, a Tehsil city of Bhakkar District of Punjab, Pakistan. Munnu Bhai who was educated in Kallurkot during his father's posting there as the railways station master of North Western Railway in the city before 1947, has mentioned his inspiration of these roles in his numerous interviews. Sona is still alive and lives in Kallurkot. During one of his visits to Kallurkot a few years back, Munnu Bhai got to meet the real Sona which is portrayed in the 1983 film version of the same play 'Sona Chandi'.
The credit of its popularity goes to the whole team: Munnu Bhai's script, direction by Rashid Dar and the performances by the actors especially the leading characters of this PTV drama – Sona and Chandi.

Lead characters